Saturday, October 16, 2010

Green Tea-ramisu

Made this on Thursday with Yvonne.. We had plenty of left overs and made mini boxes to give out. J quite a success.. kudos to House of Annie... heres the recipe for those interested.


· 1 packet of lady fingers

· Green tea (no sugar) cooled to room temperature

· 3 egg yolks

· ½ cup of sugar

· 250g mascarpone cheese

· 2 tsp matcha (green tea powder)

· 1 cup of whipping cream

· 1 tsp vanilla essence or any orange liquor


1. Brew 2 pkts of green tea and allow to cool to room temperature

2. Beat egg yolks with sugar over a double broiler (simmering water) till mixture turns pale and doubles in volume. Leave aside to cool in ice bath.

3. Beat mascarpone cheese till smooth. Add in matcha. Adjust amount of matcha to your liking.

4. Fold in cheese mixture into the already cooled yolk mixture.

5. Beat whipping cream till soft peaks (I personally prefer it beaten slightly more to give a firmer texture.)

6. Fold in cheese mixture into whipping cream till even.

7. Place a layer of mascarpone mixture at the bottom of the container. Dip lady fingers into green tea and make a lay on top of mascarpone mixture. Cover with mascarpone mixture. Repeat till top of container. End off with mascarpone mixture

8. Sprinkle matcha and sugar on the top.

9. To make a cake, start off with lady fingers as base and follow as of step 7. Add in picket fence for presentation and support

Gave out some to people, and the reviews were great! :) u guys shld try. hehehe.

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