Saturday, October 30, 2010

Condensed Milk Lemon Slice

ahhh.. i was having a terrible headache and was getting kinda moody when i chanced upon a food blog and saw this recipe.. its from the back of the condensed milk can. i tried finding the recipe while getting the condensed milk from IGA and turned all the labels to face inside. think the workers muz b annoyed with me. haha.. oopsy.. anw. i didnt find it sad to say.. but baking did make my day. or mayb its cos of the 2 tablets of nurofen that cleared the headache. anyhow, i have something to bring to the dinner later now :) goody.

Biscuit base
- 1.5 cup plain flour
- 0.5 cup icing sugar
- 150g butter
Lemony bit :)
- 395g condensed milk
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1 tbsp lemon zest
- 2 tbsp plain flour
- 1 egg
- 0.5 cup lemon juice

(1) Mix the biscuit base ingredients together and press into base of pan about 20x30cm (i used a disposable aluminium tray)
(2) Bake biscuit base for at 180 deg for 15min till golden brown
(3) Mix all of the lemony bit ingredients together
(4) Pour lemon mixture on top of biscuit base
(5) Bake for another 25-30min till golden brown
(6) Allow cake to cool, dust with icing sugar, cut into slices and serve :)

it wasn't as sweet as i thought it would be. which is great. hehe.. the idea of 1 can of condensed milk kinda scared me.. i wld have prefered a stronger lemon taste. but oh wells.. i'll try modifying the next one i do. hehe..

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